Our Story
It all started back in 1983, when in my final year of High School, I decided to get a soccer jersey for each place where I travel around the world, not only for pleasure and vacations, but also for work. So I stared with Brazil and then I added more and more countries from LATAM, then Europe and finally Asia. In the meantime, while living in my country (Argentina), year by year, I build a small collection of jerseys of the most popular local teams. Each time a World Cup was finished from 1990 up to now, I not only bought the Argentinian original Home and Away jersey, but also brought the ones from other national participants teams that played in that World Cup edition. By 2006, I had picked up around 200 shirts. My sole focus was to keep buying brand new jerseys, but with the particularity that, each time I travel to a place , try to stop by a clearance items shops from manufacturers such as Adidas, Nike, Puma, etc., and increase my collection. By 2010 and already living in USA, I started doing the same with soccer balls and soccer cleats. Now after 38 years, I decided it is time to showcase my collection and be part of the soccer fan community around the world. Hope you can enjoy it and we get in contact soon with all of you who really knows that this energy has no limits and fulfills our passion every day of our lives.

Our Passion

Every time your team wins, you only think one thing: to put on your jersey and go out and brag yourself, or wait for the next pickup game with your friends to show your jersey showing your favorite player’s number on the back. That is called true “passion”! What we wanted to do now is to give you the chance to find that jersey that awakens your sleeping passion from many years ago, and go out again wearing the jersey of your memories!!! Hope you can find it here or somebody find yours inside our community. Let’s go for it ! Good Luck!!!
Our Collection
PALAZZO DELLO SPORT does not sell modern reproductions of older shirts. All shirts available to purchase are genuine and original from the seasons or years they were manufactured for. Replica (AKA fan replica, standard, stadium) jerseys are the most common football shirts available and are normally the most basic version of a shirt. Player issue products are jerseys with features similar to those the players wear. In the past these were typically unavailable commercially and just provided to clubs, but in recent years brands like Nike, Adidas and Puma have seen the benefit of releasing higher-spec products alongside their replica offering. The differences between player issue and replica products differ by item, season and brand but typically a player issue item will be a tighter-fit and be made of a lighter material, with transfer (plastic) badges and smaller print sizes.

Our Fans

There is only a reason why they call us FANS. People like you and me, who stay tune 24x7x365 with soccer, your local team, your national team; or who want to buy a gift for your son, daughter, father, mother, friend, colleague; or to whom the first thing that comes to mind is related with soccer stuff. This is time to surprise them one more time, bringing these memories back to the passion that an old jersey could offer. Let’s try and let us know how do they feel.